So... you're an athlete.
Want in?
Reach out for next event dates.
Prove it.
Teams of 4
Teams of four men compete in events that'll test your strength, speed, and first-person shooter skills.
Fair warning, if you and your teammates did not play at least 1 varsity sport in high school, this could prove VERY difficult.
Several events require overall athleticism and skill.
Specialists are great, but they'd better know how to play several sports.
Choose your teammates wisely.
2 Days
All events are held in a two-day, action-packed weekend full of stiff competition, lifelong memories, and healthy male bonding.
It'll be the time of your life.
1 Champion
... there are four of you on the team so... I guess there are four champions, but 1 championship team.
Make sense?
Better hope math isn't an event.
Main Event
Become a Sponsor
You have the undivided attention of 40ish males who are 20 - 40 year old and interested in sports, outdoors, competition, and fitness.
They want to feel stronger and faster as they run from the inevitability of Low-T and thinning hair. They want to take risks and become the next Bitcoin Billionaire... but with a meme-coin.
These are your people.
Consider sponsoring.

You're washed up
At least, that's what your wife and kids want you to believe.
But then there's that moment...'re leaning back in your home office chair and you've just fooled everyone on that last Zoom call into thinking that you were paying attention and not watching the highlights from yesterday's final round...
...and then it happens... you toss the most beautiful, high-arcing, Curry-esque, 3-ball made of paper into your trash can across the room and you realize...
...You still got it.
“Nothing proves you're a man like flexing on other men while beating them at sports and video games.”
- Ghandi
“I may not jump as high as I used to or have the ability to sprint, like, ever... but I totally embarrassed some punk-ass, middle-aged man in Halo because he used to talked to girls back in high school while I spent my teenage years mastering my craft as Master Chief.”
“I was giddy leading up to the Man Games just thinking about 2 full days screwing around with my buddies I signed up with competing against a bunch of other glory days athletes! Despite how excited I was, the event was even better. The competition was better than I thought it would be, everyone was intense but cool, but what really surprised me was the swag bag, the highlight videos after, and generally how professional it felt to participate. Had a ton of fun and plan on competing again!”
“Perfectly organized event. Fun to get to compete, even better developing friendships with successful people. This is better networking than any networking event I have ever been to.”
“Man Games is such a unique experience. You get to harness that competitive nature within while still meeting and hanging out with great dudes all weekend. It's a networking opportunity for business folk... it's a weekend with friends... it's a mental heath boost! I love Man Games!”